PhD Corner
PhD Corner is an academic programme dedicated to PhD students in TESPS, Information Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Technology for Health. It provides PhD students with the opportunity to present their research work, discuss their ideas, and receive feedback from experts in the field as well as from other students. Participating in a PhD Corner allows students to develop presentation skills, engage in networking, and receive valuable advice to improve their research. Additionally, this programme facilitates the creation of collaborations and offer a stimulating environment for the sharing of knowledge and innovations in their field of study.
Events (Aula Consiliare, 3:30 p.m)
03/03/2023 Michele Speziani (TESPS) Machine learning for materials science and spectroscopy
31/03/2023 Giulia Frusconi (T4H) Organic bioelectronics for preventive and precision medicine. Covid-19: a case study
28/04/2023 Mattia Chiari (DRII) Tools for Code and Data Management
26/05/2023 Chiara Dognini (DRIMI) Verso la transizione ecologica: i biomateriali e le tecnologie naturali
28/07/2023Saad Javaid (T4H) Global E-Waste Crisis: A threat to Health, Environment & Economy
10/11/2023 Paolo Botticini (TESPS) "The motion of long bubbles in tubes", by F. P. Bretherton (1961): a rereading
15/12/2023 Giovanni Mainetti (T4H) Depurazione delle acque industriali e sotterranee dai contaminanti emergenti con tecnologie innovative ecocompatibili provenienti da scarti industriali
10/5/2024 Giulia Sofia Marcotto (T4H) La tecnologia delle cellule staminali pluripotenti indotte e la loro applicazione nella ricerca di base
21/06/2024 Marco Milanesi (DRIMI) A minimum time-to-target MPC approach for depth of hypnosis in total intravenous anesthesia
12/07/2024 Evgenii Menshikov (DRII) Tunable nanophotonic devices for all-optical light manipulation: from nonvolatile to ultrafast operation